автомийка самообслуговування під ключ


Why technology and not just car wash equipment? The bottom line is that simply supplying water under high pressure with a cleaning solution is no longer enough.

PREMIUM WASH self-service car wash technology includes water purification and softening, water preparation, electronic detergent dispensers, electronic car wash control system, inverters, control cabinet and of course pumps and motors.

Thanks to the combination of many factors, as a result, we get an excellent result of washing the car with low indicators of the cost part and with an increased resource of the equipment with the possibility of remote control of the car wash.

автомийка самообслуговування під ключ


The design of the car wash is the first thing that will attract your client.

However, the cover for a self-service car wash should not only be beautiful, but also durable.

With PREMIUM WASH, your car wash will look attractive for a long time.

будівництво автомийки самообслуговування

dry Vacuum cleaner

New modern device for self service car wash

пилосос для мийки самообслуговування

vacuum cleaner 5 in 1

Have you had such a situation that, wanting to clean the interior of the car, you had to work on one area several times? After all, the existing vacuum cleaner simply did not have enough suction power.

Having set a goal, we made it a reality. A new, modern, super-powerful vacuum cleaner in a creative design.

It is intended for industrial use in more difficult conditions, which provides an increased potential of work in comparison with ordinary self-service vacuum cleaners.

вежа 3 в 1 для мийки самообслуговування


What is a multifunctional tower?

Do you want to surprise the customers of your self-service car wash? We offer to place a multifunctional tower. It is made entirely of stainless steel, works on two sides, which will reduce the payback period and increase the flow of customers, accommodates up to 3 programs at the same time. The tower can accommodate up to 3 programs on one side at a time.

This will interest your customers.

хімчистка апарат для чистки ковриків мийка самообслуговування

Carpet cleaner

What is cleaning for car mats?

The device that allows you to perfectly clean car mats. Intended for cleaning both rubber and textile mats. Thanks to additional wet cleaning, it will clean more persistent dirt. From now on, no crumbs are scary and are removed in 1 minute.

By installing a dry cleaner for car mats, you will get 1,000 satisfied customers, because believe me, this dry cleaner will clean all car mats of old, ingrained dirt in a few minutes.

Carpet Cleaner for self service car wash

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